Thursday, 7 March 2013

A Bumpy Start

Teaching this remedial i-pad class has had its challenges: behaviour management, not having the ipads and headsets until weeks 2 and 4 (respectively); not knowing where to store student work, etc.

Once I'd worked out that a blog would be a great place to keep work, I tried to get the kids set up on Google's Blogger, which could be easily accessed through the student's google account. Every student was provided a google account (linked with their NSN number) at the beginning of the year, and accessible through Moodle, with just one login (once they login to Moodle, they can access all of their google apps with a click or two). The blogs themselves require minimal set up and are far more attractive and "personal" than the Moodle blog option, which is pretty lame looking.

However, students were not able to login to the Blogger app from the g-mail or docs links provided for them on Moodle.  They had to access it through their browser and the browser was picking up on the fact that they were getting there through a mobile device and requiring them to download the app, which wasn't possible until the Easter break when technicians at school would have time to do so (they were snowed under with other business, and students are not able to download apps to their devices). It was exasperating and I ended up trying to set up their blogs on Wordpress which is a 10 step process requiring multiple fields to be filled out AND with the amount of dyslexia in the group, not remembering their usernames and passwords (despite telling them to use their names and same password as on Moodle), I was only able to get 1/3 of the class up and running.


It turns out, they could access Blogger from the Calendar link on Moodle.

(Primal Scream)

The next lesson ran smoothly as those without a blog had one up on Blogger within a few minutes and we were off!

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