Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Setting up my first test

So this week, my Year 10s are sitting a diagnostic Close Reading test. It involves reading an extract, a poem and an advert and responding to short answer type reading comprehension questions. This is generally very difficult for a remedial class to cope with and teachers generally report that only one or two students will actually achieve.

But this year we have i-pads, and I am determined to make it work for students. The looming question is, what is the best way to get the document to them; and how to get the lengthy text parts into Word Q so they can read it; and which app should they use to type their responses, and, finally, then how will they get it all back to me without it all turning to custard?

What I have come up with is for the test itself to be placed on Moodle as a document, under a topic which they cannot see until I switch it on (unblink the eye), just before the test begins starts. -Not that I am worried they will bother to have a look, but just for my own sense of protocol. - I have also placed the extract in a page on Moodle so that they can easily copy and paste into iWordQ for them to listen and read along (by the way, iWord Q is awesome, and really good as far as text to speech listening).

The cool thing is that when they click on the test itself it opens in the browser and, on my own ipad -have yet to see if it does the same on theirs- it asks if I'd like to open in Pages. With one click, the test appears on their i-pads and away they go. They can select any part of the test and copy and paste it into iWordQ and have it read to them. 

When they are finished they can e-mail me the document directly in Pages: no messy file saving and then attaching the document.

We will see how it goes.

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